• Edition : Second    • Publication Date : 01 Jan 2011
The 2010 amendments to the IMO STCW Convention, which entered into force in 2012, will make it mandatory for trainee deck ratings to use an approved training record book to provide evidence of structured on board training.
To help employers ensure compliance, ICS has updated and expanded its widely used On Board Training Record Book for Deck Ratings. The revised book takes full account of the competence standards stipulated by STCW 2010 including those adopted for the new grade of Able Seafarer Deck. The training tasks included have been developed to ensure that trainees make the best use of their seagoing service, and to help supervising officers make an objective evaluation of whether trainees are competent.
The 2010 amendments to the IMO STCW Convention, which entered into force in January 2012, made it mandatory for trainee deck ratings to provide evidence of structured on board training, and recommend the use of a training record book. This includes ratings seeking to qualify for the new STCW grade of “Able Seafarer Deck”.
To help employers ensure compliance, ICS has updated and expanded its widely used On Board Training Record Book for Deck Ratings. The revised book takes full account of the competence standards stipulated by STCW 2010 including those adopted for the new grade of Able Seafarer Deck. The training tasks included have been developed to ensure that trainees make the best use of their seagoing service, and to help supervising officers make an objective evaluation of whether trainees are competent.
This Record Book can be used by any trainee following an on board training programme in order to be certificated as a rating forming part of a navigational watch and/or as an Able Seafarer Deck.
This Record Book:
• Significantly expanded to cover new grade of Able Seafarer Deck
• Takes full account of new STCW 2010 competence standards
• Includes structured tasks to ensure that trainees meet the requirements for certification stipulated by STCW 2010.
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